#SpanishGP - the best social media from Barcelona (NOT COMPLETE)

Formula One World

Sunday's Formula 1 Gran Premio de Espana Pirelli 2017 was full of action on track, but there was also plenty going on behind the scenes in the build-up to the race weekend. Here's our round-up of just a few of the highlights...

Gone fishing

There are few better ways to unwind between races than an afternoon spent with a rod, a line and your kid brother for company. Just ask Haas's Kevin Magnussen...


Embedded content: https://www.facebook.com/KevinMagnussen/photos/a.202035403555456.1073741828.179289139163416/293218941103768/?type=3

Sticking with it

*One of the first skills you learn as an F1 driver? Always expect the unexpected... *
