The Secret Life of… Sergio Perez

Sergio Perez (MEX) Force India VJM10 at Formula One World Championship, Rd13, Italian Grand Prix,

Sergio Perez Mendoza, also known as ‘Checo’ Perez, has been a firm fixture on the Formula 1 grid since 2011. But six years on, you’ll be amazed by the things you still don’t know about Force India’s Mexican driver…

Q: Apart from driving a Formula One car, what is your favourite buzz?

Sergio Perez: My football team. I have my own football team with friends. It is pretty professional! When I am back in Mexico I spend a lot of time with the team. I think I can say that I am a good player – a good striker!

Q: Which film last made you cry?

SP: Life is Beautiful.

Q: What are you afraid of?

SP: I have discovered lately that I suffer from trypophobia – it’s a fear of patterns of holes. You'll have to look it up…

Pirelli tyres at Formula One World Championship, Rd12, Belgian Grand Prix, Preparations, Spa

Look away now Sergio - and other trypophobics!

Q: What was the last book you read?

SP: Urbrands by Spanish author Risto Mejide. It’s about building a brand like building a city.

Q: What did your teachers say about you in your school report?

SP: That I needed to calm down and study more.

Q: Do you have any guilty pleasures?

SP: Desserts – tiramisu! Any kind of tiramusu, I jump on it! (Laughs)

Q: Do you collect anything?

SP: Watches. Serious watches. For every important moment in my life I buy a watch. So every watch has a meaning for me. So far I have 20.

Q: What do you miss most about home when you’re travelling?

SP: Home, family – and my bed!

Q: What was your worst buy?

SP: The list is long – I don’t know where to start. Ah, I bought an electric helicopter for my dog.

Zandvoort, Holland, 13th-14th August 2011
Man with a dog on a scooter
World copyright: Jakob

That's nothing - Checo's dog has his own chopper!

Q: What’s your ideal non-race Sunday?

SP: Home. Spending the morning playing football. Then go to church and have a good lunch with the family.

Q: What’s the most embarrassing mistake you’ve ever made?

SP: Nothing comes to my mind!

Q: Which superpower would you prefer: being able to fly or being able to become invisible?

SP: Fly. Superman here I come! (Laughs)

Q: What do you sing in the shower?

SP: Yes, I do sing under the shower. Anything that comes to my mind in that very moment. Many Mexican songs…

Q: Do you believe in love at first sight?

SP: Not really.

Q: What’s the worst thing about being famous?

SP: That people look at you, stare at you, talk about you – and you feel it.

(L to R): Michael Schumacher (GER) Benetton talks with Ayrton Senna (BRA) Mclaren.
Formula One

Michael: 'Say Ayrton, what time are you heading to the Perez's for dinner?'

Q: What’s the strangest question you’ve ever been asked?

SP: What kind of music do I listen to during the race.

Q: What is on you ‘bucket list’?

SP: A Formula One World Championship – and a couple of kids.

Q: You can invite three people to dinner, living or dead. Who do you invite?

SP: Ayrton Senna, Michael Schumacher, Pablo Escobar.

Q: What was the best thing about being a child?

SP: That you have no preoccupation.

Q: What should everyone try once in their lifetime?

SP: A cheap pleasure: bungee jumping.


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